Dr Amanullah is a Consultant Cardiologist/Medical Specialist/Family Physician practicing in Lahore. Dr Amanullah has the following degrees: MBBS, DIPCARD, MD, FACC (USA), MASE (USA), ACLS (USA) FRSPH (UK) and has 21 years of experience. Specialist in Heart, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Stomach, Liver, Chest, Asthma, Allergy, Kidneys, Thyroids, Obesity, Nutrition, Arthritis, Joints and Muscular Pains. He is a well renowned physician doctor all over pakistan. His MISSION STATEMENT is "WE ENSURE ACCESSIBLE COMPASSIONATE AND COST EFFECTIVE PATIENT CARE WITH DEDICATION" You can book an appointment with Dr Amanullah by calling us or using the 'Book Appointment' button.
Life Line Heart and Medical Centre Jail Road
Plot 12 B, Shadman II Shadman 2 Shadman, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan